The Victorian government announced an end to lockdown and new restrictions which are to apply as of the 27th July 2021.
- Victorians will be able to leave their homes for any reason
- Masks are required everywhere indoors and outdoors (except private residences).
- Schools will reopen on Wednesday
- No visitors to the home for the next fortnight.
- Public gatherings will be allowed with up to 10 people
- Hospitality, retail, beauty, personal care, entertainment venues and community facilities will open in line with density limits.
- Live music venues, dance classes and physical recreation facilitites, including gyms, will all open with density requirements of 1 person per 4sqm
- If you can work from home, you should work from home. Office workers will be able to return up to 25 per cent or up to 10 people, whichever is greater.
- Holiday accommodation can only be booked with your household, intimate partner or single bubble person.
- Entry to Victoria’s Alpine resorts will require a negative COVID test and result within 72 hours prior to visiting. Children under 12 years of ageare not required to be tested.
- Funerals and weddings will have a cap of 50 mourners.