Epipen Trainer (Training Device Only) Product Information
The new look EpiPen® Adrenaline/Epinephrine Auto-Injector is now in available in Australia and the new look EpiPen® training device is available here.
It is important to practice with an EpiPen® training device so that you are prepared if an emergency occurs.
The EpiPen® training device does not contain adrenaline or have a needle.
You can also use an EpiPen® training device to demonstrate to carers, work colleagues, friends and family, so they are familiar with how to administer an EpiPen®.
Note: The EpiPen® adrenaline/epinephrine Auto-Injector which contains adrenaline is only available from pharmacies. We only stock the training device.
ASCIA First Aid Plan for Anaphylaxis Anapen (Orange) can be found at https://www.allergy.org.au/hp/anaphylaxis/ascia-action-plan-for-anaphylaxis.