EPIPEN Adrenaline Trainer


EPIPEN Adrenaline Trainer

Original price was: $21.09.Current price is: $18.15.

The EpiPen trainer is a training EpiPen that doesn’t contain any medication that can be used in first aid training to educate students as to how to treat an anaphylactic reaction.

This is not suitable for use in live situations.


Emergency First Aid

Emergency First Aid
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Epipen Trainer (Training Device Only) Product Information

The new look EpiPen® Adrenaline/Epinephrine Auto-Injector is now in available in Australia and the new look EpiPen® training device is available here.

It is important to practice with an EpiPen® training device so that you are prepared if an emergency occurs.

The EpiPen® training device does not contain adrenaline or have a needle.

You can also use an EpiPen® training device to demonstrate to carers, work colleagues, friends and family, so they are familiar with how to administer an EpiPen®.

Note: The EpiPen® adrenaline/epinephrine Auto-Injector which contains adrenaline is only available from pharmacies. We only stock the training device.

ASCIA First Aid Plan for Anaphylaxis Anapen (Orange) can be found at https://www.allergy.org.au/hp/anaphylaxis/ascia-action-plan-for-anaphylaxis.