Novel Corona Virus Update


The Education Department has asked us to pass on some information with regards to the Novel coronavirus. Coronaviruses can make humans and animals sick. Some coronaviruses can cause illness similar to the common cold and others can cause more serious diseases, including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). The virus seen in Hubei Province, China is called ‘novel’ because it is new. It had not been detected before this outbreak. Most people infected live in, or travelled to, Hubei Province, China. There have been cases of 2019-nCoV reported in other Chinese provinces and other countries. It is likely that the virus originally came from an animal, and there is evidence that it can spread from person-to-person.

Information for parents, early learning, primary school facilities.

If your child has travelled to mainland China within the past 14 days, you must isolate them in your home for 14 days after leaving mainland China. If your child has been in close contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus, you must isolate them in your home for 14 days after last contact with the confirmed case. Children in these circumstances are not to attend schools or early childhood centres and should not engage with other students.

If your child develops symptoms within 14 days of leaving mainland China or within 14 days of last contact with the confirmed case, you should arrange for them to see their usual doctor for urgent assessment. You should telephone the health clinic or hospital before they arrive and tell them of their travel history or that they have been in contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus. Their doctor will liaise with Public Health authorities to manage their care. Children must remain isolated either in your home or a healthcare setting until Public Health authorities inform you it is safe for them to return to their usual activities

Information for universities and vocational education facilities

If a student or staff member has travelled to Hubei Province, China within the past 14 days, isolation is recommended for 14 days after leaving Hubei Province. If a child or staff member has been in close contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus, they must isolation is recommended for 14 days after last contact with the confirmed case. Students and staff in these circumstances should not attend university or college and must avoid contact with other students and staff. If a student or staff member travelled to mainland China in general but not Hubei Province, we do not currently recommend self-isolation. The development of cases outside of Hubei Province is being closely monitored and this advice will be updated if necessary. If a student or staff member develops symptoms within 14 days of leaving Hubei Province or within 14 days of last contact with the confirmed case, they should arrange to see their usual doctor for urgent assessment. They should telephone the health clinic or hospital before they arrive and tell them of their travel history or that they have been in contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus. Their doctor will liaise with Public Health authorities to manage their care. They must then remain isolated either in their home or a healthcare setting until Public Health authorities inform them it is safe for you to return to their usual activities.

What does isolate in your home mean?

People who must be isolated should not attend public places, in particular work, school, childcare or university. Only people who usually live in the household should be in the home. Do not allow visitors into the home. There is no need to wear masks in the home. Where possible, get others such as friends or family, who are not required to be isolated to get food or other necessities for you. If you must leave the home, such as to seek medical care, wear a surgical mask if you have one.

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