Restrictions in Victoria

From 11:59 pm on Wednesday, 14 July 2021, if you live in Victoria:

  • There are no restrictions on the reasons to leave home but staying COVIDSafe remains important.
  • There are no limits on the distance you can travel.
  • You can have up to 15 people visit your home per day (including dependants other than infants under 12 months).
  • Patients at hospitals and care facilities can have two visitors at a time and up to five visitors per day. End of life patients can have two visitors at a time and there is no total limit per day.
  • Face masks are mandatory indoors (not at home) for anyone aged 12 and above, unless an exception applies.
  • Face masks must be worn outdoors for anyone aged 12 and above if 1.5 m distance cannot be maintained, from people who are not members of your household or your intimate partner.
  • If you have any symptoms, no matter how mild, you should get tested for COVID-19.
  • Check-in everywhere you visit using the Service Victoria QR code app, no matter how long you spend at that location.

Social gatherings

  • Up to 15 people can visit your home per day, including dependants. Infants under 12 months, and any intimate partners of members of that household do not count in the cap of up to 15 people.
  • You can see friends and family outdoors in a public place in a group of up to 50 people. A public place is an area accessible by members of the public like a park or the beach. It does not include your backyard at home.

Work and education

  • You aren’t required to work or study from home.
  • Schools and universities remain open.
  • Offices can have 75% capacity or 30 people, whichever is greater, with a density limit of 1 person per 2 sqm.
  • Face masks are mandatory in the workplace – unless an exception applies.
  • Teachers, educators and carers must wear masks. Secondary school students must also wear masks, unless an exception applies.

Religion and ceremony

  • Religious gatherings and ceremonies are allowed with density limits in place and no overall venue cap.
  • You can have a wedding with up to 300 people at a venue. This limit includes the couple and two witnesses. The celebrant, and a photographer are in addition to the cap. If a wedding is held at a private residence, private gathering restrictions apply. Dancefloors are allowed with up to 50 people if a COVID Check-in Marshal is present at all entrances to the facility open to members of the public.
  • Funerals are allowed with up to 300 people. This limit doesn’t include infants under 12 months of age, or the people required to conduct the funeral. If a funeral is held at a private residence, private gathering restrictions apply.

Sport and recreation

  • Community sport continues for all ages, including training and competition. Spectators allowed within the venue and density limits apply.
  • Indoor and outdoor physical recreation is open, with class sizes of up to 50 people, plus the trainers.
  • Maximum capacity of 300 people per indoor space and 1000 people per outdoor space for all physical recreation and community sport at physical recreation venues. Indoor seated spaces can have the greater of 75% seated capacity, or a density quotient of 1 person per 4 sqm (or 1 person per 2 sqm, in the case that a COVID Check-in Marshal is at entrances open to public).
  • Equipment must be cleaned between uses. You should wear a face mask when physical distancing of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained, unless you are out of breath.

Retail and hospitality

  • Shops are open with density limits.
  • Beauty and personal care services are open with density limits. Workers must wear a face mask, but customers can remove their face mask during the service.
  • Restaurants and cafes are open for seated service with density limits and no venue cap. A venue does not need to provide seated service if a COVID Check-in Marshal is positioned at all entrances to the venue that are open to members of the public. There are no limits on group bookings. Food courts are open with density limits and no venue cap.
  • Hospitality venues less than 100sqm can operate without a density quotient provided that no more than 25 members of public attend. These venues must have a COVID Check-in Marshal at all the entrances to the facility to require check in via the Service Victoria app.


  • Community facilities including libraries are open with density limits and no venue cap.
  • Bars, karaoke facilities and nightclubs are open with density limits and no venue cap.
  • Dancefloors are open when using a COVID Check-in Marshal at all entrances that are open to members of the public, with no more than 50 people on a single dance floor.
  • Indoor and outdoor entertainment venues can have 75% seated capacity per seated space, with up to 300 people in each indoor space (seated or non-seated), and up to 1,000 people in each outdoor space. Indoor seated spaces can have the greater of 75% seated capacity, or a density quotient of 1 person per 4 sqm (or 1 person per 2 sqm, in the case that a COVID Check-in Marshal is at entrances open to public).For non-seated spaces indoors and outdoors, such as foyers, a density quotient of 1 person per 4 sqm applies, (or 1 person per 2 sqm, in the case that a COVID Check-in Marshal is present at entrances open to public).
  • There are no limits on group bookings.
  • Community facilities can operate with lesser of a density quotient of 1 person per 2sqm if they have a COVID Check-in Marshal at all the entrances to the facility to require check in via the Service Victoria app.


  • There are no restrictions on reasons to leave your home
  • If you are experiencing family violence or violence by another person in the home, and you are at risk, safe accommodation and support for family violence is available. Call safe steps on 1800 015 188 or email [email protected] for help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Other ways to stay safe

  • Always wash your hands before you leave, and when you return home. 
  • Keep at least 1.5 metres between yourself and others.
  • Never, ever go out if you are unwell unless it is to get tested. 
  • After you get tested, you must go straight home. 
  • Remember that the most important thing you can do is get tested, even if you have the mildest of symptoms.
  • Get vaccinated if you are eligible.